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Tell us what we should know about the corridor!

The Bronzeville Corridor Streetscape Improvement Project will consider the streets highlighted in blue on the map shown here, including:

  • 43rd Street between S. Prairie Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue
  • 47th Street between S. Prairie Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue
  • Cottage Grove Avenue between 49th Street and Bowen Avenue

Please use the map below to identify areas that need improvement, elements that are great, or any new ideas or questions you have for the community.

Tell us what we should know about the corridor!

The Bronzeville Corridor Streetscape Improvement Project will consider the streets highlighted in blue on the map shown here, including:

  • 43rd Street between S. Prairie Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue
  • 47th Street between S. Prairie Avenue and Cottage Grove Avenue
  • Cottage Grove Avenue between 49th Street and Bowen Avenue

Please use the map below to identify areas that need improvement, elements that are great, or any new ideas or questions you have for the community.

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Pin your suggestions on a map

over 3 years

Please use this map to identify areas that need improvement, elements that are great, or any new ideas or questions you have for the community.

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Page published: 08 Feb 2024, 12:21 PM